Salagir's Blog

Old name was: "Why do witches burn?"

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French version of this article

This page is for the cartoonists who will work with me as a scenarist. I explain here my methods.

When I write a page, I do it panel per panel. Each panel is separated by an empty line, and each information is on a new line. Description, each said sentence…


Broly and Goku with the magnetic sword between them.

Broly touches the sword, puzzled.

View going to the ring, with a cool 3D for the sword.

View of Vegetto holding the sword.

Vegetto holds his hair to make them look like Gokû.
Hey, Broly !!
I am the real Kakarotto !

Broly gets angry.
Broly (yells):

When someone talks in two balloons, I write two sentence lines.
A sentence line always begin by who talks and « : », then the text.
If I want to add a narration box, I write: « Narration:« .

When I also make the page setting, I use a great system.
I stole it from René Goscinny, the best scenarist in the world.

He cuts the comic pages in 4 lines, and 3×4 basic panels. Like if the page had 12 panels.
When a panel is big, he says how many basic panels it takes (for example, all the width: panel 1-2-3).

I’m doing the same, with 3×3 panel as base (manga format instead of comics).
Of course, it does not mean that each panel is exactly a third of page, or you can’t make panels with diagonals border, etc… It’s just a very easy way to give an idea of the thing.

Here is my page with this info:

Broly and Goku with the magnetic sword between them.

Broly touches the sword, puzzled.

View going to the ring, with a cool 3D for the sword.

View of Vegetto holding the sword.

Vegetto holds his hair to make them look like Gokû.
Hey, Broly !!
I am the real Kakarotto !

Broly gets angry.
Broly (yells):

Sometimes I also tell if the panel is a little bigger, or the line is bigger (a line can take half of the page height).
Example :

1 (small)
I'm okay.

2 (small)
Me too.

3 (big)
Vegeta :
Are you all mental?!?

When I have panels that take exactly half the space, I write the information inside parenthesis)

Some examples (I took off the sentences for more space) :

Page 181

1-2-3: Broly flies towards the group.

4-7: Goku turns SSJ3.

5-6: Broly flies toward Goku.

8-9: Broly is stopped by the magnetic sword

Page 182
1-2 (half width): Broly and Goku.
2-3 (half width): Broly touches the sword, puzzled.
4-5: View going to the ring, with a cool 3D for the sword.
6: View of Vegetto holding the sword.
7-8: Vegetto holds his hair to make them look like Gokû.
9: Broly gets angry.

Page 183

1-2-3: Broly takes off.

4-5-7-8 (half width): Vegetto turns SSJ.

6-9 (half width): Broly will hit Vegetto.

One Response to “Easy page setting for scenarists”

  1. Humm… very nice idea!
